10 December 2009


I've never really seen the point in getting a blog before, but with the impending deployment, I knew I wanted one place where I could keep all of my family and friends informed on how it was going instead of having a giant e-mail list. I also had a chance to follow Lt G's blog, Kaboom, before it got yanked, (maybe that's another post to explain...) and was hoping to provide the same sort of experience for people who read this blog. Lt G led an Army platoon in Iraq a couple of years ago and had a way of making the most mundane stories about patrolling and working in his AO seem interesting. I happen to fancy myself a writer, so maybe if I work hard I can make the mundane things about the Marine Corps and Afganistan seem interesting.

I'm hoping that I'll have the ability to post after I deploy, but I don't actually know if that will be the case. At a minimum, it will require semi-regular internet access and approval from my chain of command.

I haven't really done much yet to get ready for the deployment except that I finally got to meet my Marines this past weekend. (Yay!!!) I have an awesome platoon, awesome NCOs, and an awesome platoon sergeant. I'm really looking forward to the chance to lead them in Afghanistan next year. I have a tentative schedule, and it goes something like this: graduate from Engineer School in late February, go to Mojave Viper to train with the platoon, and continue training with them for a couple of months before we deploy.

I think that's enough for a first post. I'll try to keep this blog up to date as I finish school and train for deployment.


  1. Hi Elizabeth,
    Great idea! I bookmarked it. Question...what does a Marine "engineer" do? I'm clueless on that one. :-) Mike

  2. Hi Elizabeth,

    Good for you to set up this blog. You'll find it helpful to set up an account with Photobucket.com to put pictures and images on. Why? Because you can insert images into your post and it's best to link to them off another website (Photobucket).

    I have a blog myself - www.greeneggsandham.org/wordpress but don't update it often.

    I'll bookmark your blog and check in from time to time.

  3. Sorry for the late posting of the comments...still new to this whole blogging thing and all.

    Mike - You're correct to assume that Marine Corps engineering is nothing like civilian engineering. I'll add it to my list of explanation posts to write at some point.
